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Year 2 Reading Comprehension - Summer Term
Caring for Others

4 Resource Packs

About the theme

This unit encourages children to look beyond their immediate family when thinking about people who care for us and for others - from an ode to the lollipop lady to a story featuring a paramedic and a non-fiction text about the founder of Khalsa Aid. Resources to support children in making connections between the texts can be found in the ‘pulling it all together’ pack, as can a suggested list of books also linked to the theme, which could be read as a class.

Real Comprehension


Image of Unit Overview for Year 2 Summer Term

View or download an overview of the complete unit

Book character


Diary of a Paramedic

Helping to look after a mother who has unexpectedly given birth at home is all in a day's work for Emma.

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Book character


Khalsa Aid

Sikhs believe in 'well-being for all', as is demonstrated in action though the story of Ravi Singh, founder of the charity Khalsa Aid.

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Book character


The Lady with the Lollipop

Find out why, when the poet grows up, she wants to be just like the school crossing guard!

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Finished all three texts?

Pulling it all together

Once you have gone through all three texts with pupils, establishing familiarity and understanding with each, you can use these additional resources to help children engage with them thematically, making links between the texts, and to others they may have read or heard of. A suggested list of books for class reading, linked to the unit theme, is also included.

Pulling it all together
Real Comprehension, 54 original texts - 18 themes

See all resources in the Real Comprehension programme

Real Comprehension is a unique, whole-school reading programme designed to develop sophisticated skills of inference and retrieval; build rich vocabularies; and encourage the identification of themes and comparison between texts from years 1 to 6.