Making great literacy lessons easy. Why join Plazoom?

Live literacy training

We have a busy calendar of CPD events - many of which are completely free to attend - run by literacy experts who work with schools across the country to raise standards in English.

Registering for the events in advance is quick and easy, and we’ll send you a reminder when the date draws near.

Secure your place today, and invite your colleagues who might also want to come along and get fresh inspiration for their classrooms.

Real Comprehension

Upcoming events

Register now and save your space. Every event will be packed with new ideas for your teacher toolkit!

Our course presenters

Every one of our experts has a huge amount of experience, both in the classroom and delivering training to schools.

Rachel Clark

Rachel Clark

Directory of the Primary English literacy consultancy, Rachel has over 20 years’ experience in primary education, in which time she has been a SENCO, English subject lead and deputy headteacher. She previously worked as an English consultant for Coventry Local Authority and has written for publishers including Collins and Teach Primary magazine.

Christine Chen & Lindsay Pickton

Christine Chen
& Lindsay Pickton

Christine and Lindsay are experienced English specialists based in Kingston upon Thames. Both have worked in schools as senior literacy teachers and helped to launch and run school improvement programmes across their borough, and have written for publishers including OUP, Pearson and Collins.

Shareen Wilkinson

Shareen Wilkinson

An experienced primary school teacher and senior leader, Shareen currently runs a successful education consultancy in London. Working with LAs across the country, she has an extensive track record of raising standards in English. Writing and advising for Letts, HarperCollins, Rising Stars and OUP, Shareen also acts as a subject expert on reading and grammar for the DfE.

Catch up

We record every event, so if you missed it you can watch all the discussion and ideas from the live session here.

Make EVERY grammar lesson great!

by Rachel Clarke

KS2 SATs surgery

by Rachel Clarke

Get spelling sorted!

by Ruth Baker-Leask

Planning for progress

by Christine Chen and Lindsay Pickton

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