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4 Resource Packs
Tapping into a topic that is hugely important for many young people, this unit is all about how we can work together to protect the planet we all share, with strong links to the geography and science curriculums. Resources to support children in making connections between the texts can be found in the ‘pulling it all together’ pack, as can a suggested list of books also linked to the theme, which could be read as a class.
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Who better to explain the plight of a creature whose habit is under threat, than the animal itself?
Gabrielle Kent explains some of the major threats our planet is facing - and what people are doing to turn things around.
The developers want to cut down an ancient oak tree to build a new shopping centre - but the children of Class 10 have other ideas...
Once you have gone through all three texts with pupils, establishing familiarity and understanding with each, you can use these additional resources to help children engage with them thematically, making links between the texts, and to others they may have read or heard of. A suggested list of books for class reading, linked to the unit theme, is also included.
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Real Comprehension is a unique, whole-school reading programme designed to develop sophisticated skills of inference and retrieval; build rich vocabularies; and encourage the identification of themes and comparison between texts from years 1 to 6.
All Year 6 Real Comprehension Resources
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