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Your FREE Real Writing
Sample Units

Download a complete sample unit for Year 2, 4 and 6 to try out with your class.

  • Model great writing with high-quality texts written by celebrated children's authors
  • Ensure rapid progress with exciting cross-curricular themes and topics
  • Deliver effective literacy lessons with easy-to-follow teaching sequences
  • Save hours of preparation time with ready-made pupil resources

Real Writing - 100 new units coming this September

What's Inside A Real Writing Resource?

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How to access all 150 Real Writing Units for your school

When your school takes out a subscription to Plazoom, you and your colleagues will receive access to all 150 Real Writing units - plus 1500+ additional literacy resources covering the full English curriculum from years 1-6.

Find out how your school could benefit from a Plazoom Subscription.

The Staffroom

Discover what teachers are saying about Real Writing

“I've just downloaded The Diary of a Fossil Hunter [Real Writing] and am very excited to examine the many resources included. A great time saver!”

- Fiona Byrn, Y3 Teacher

“I have used How to care for Your Pet - a Year 5 Writing unit. We found that the children in our mixed Year 5/6 class were very engaged with the Plazoom resources and were eager to write. The structure of the planning was easy to use and the self assessment mark sheet as well as the margin bookmark plan, really helped our children to produce a clear, sequential piece of writing. I would certainly recommend this resource for both time saving and knowing that children will make progress.”

- Neil Bardsley, Head Teacher

“I think the resources are excellent - I particularly like the range of different examples of model texts and how they can be used (including annotated), the word mats to scaffold pupils who may need further support, the visual appeal of the resources and the fact that vocab, grammar and writing have been covered.”

- Sarah Prest, Deputy Headteacher

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