Develop understanding of characters using this emotion graphs worksheet. Pupils can explore how characters feel about particular events and record how these feelings change in a section of a story or throughout a book that you are reading.
The resource includes a simple graph that can be adapted for use with different characters and/or books. It could also be used to record how real people may have reacted to events throughout their lifetime, for example, how a Roman soldier might have felt at different points during a battle.
What is included in this whole-school resource pack?
- Emotions graph worksheet templates
- Teacher notes
How can these resources be used?
The resources can be used to explore characters’ feelings about different events in a story that you have read. This could be discussed as a class and completed as the story is read, or pupils could complete the graph independently, comparing and explaining their graph with others.
Emotion graphs are a strategy used to explore characters’ feelings and emotions. It is one of the many strategies used in Plazoom’s Real Comprehension, a whole-school resource to develop reading skills and promote reading for pleasure.
National Curriculum English programme of study links:
To understand what they read by drawing inferences, such as inferring characters feelings ... from their actions and justifying these with evidence.