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Grammar Terms: SPaG Display Posters (Pack 3)  - KS2 Classroom Displays

image of Grammar Terms: SPaG Display Posters (Pack 3)  - KS2 Classroom Displays
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This pack contains three posters which will be a great addition to any classroom display, each with an interesting or amusing image, that illustrate the below key grammar, punctuation and spelling concepts:

  • Commas after adverbials
  • Possessive apostrophes
  • Direct speech

Each poster is included in the following three variations:

  • Completed poster
    An A4 SPaG poster ready for adding to your classroom wall; the image is accompanied by superimposed text contained in speech and thought bubbles to help illustrate the concept
  • Blank poster
    A4 posters showing the image only, without text; blank speech and thought bubbles are included in the PDF, allowing you and the students to add your own accompanying text
  • Giant poster
    A large version of the blank poster distributed across four separate A4 sheets; this can be printed and assembled to create a larger display

National Curriculum English programme of study links

Detail of content to be introduced (statutory requirement):

  • Use of commas after fronted adverbials
  • Apostrophes to mark where letters are missing in spelling and to mark singular possession in nouns
  • Direct speech

  • Teacher notes
  • A4 complete posters
  • A4 blank posters
  • Giant posters
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