Our Key Stage 1 SATs Grammar Recap packs are the perfect way to check children’s knowledge and understanding of the programme of study for English in Years 1 and 2.
Each pack focuses on key topics, and includes a concise recap of teaching points (NB this is not designed to replace first teaching), followed by a chance for children to show their understanding, and finally, a selection of questions in the range of formats pupils might expect to see in their KS1 SATs papers in the end of key stage assessments.
A PowerPoint version of the pack is included, so it can be worked through in groups, or as a whole class.A PowerPoint version of the pack is included, so it can be worked through in groups, or as a whole class. The resources could also be used to revisit word classes in KS2.
Which areas are covered in this Grammar Recap?
National Curriculum English programme of study links
Pupils should be taught to use and understand the grammatical terminology in Appendix 2 in discussing their writing.