This resources provides the opportunity to explore how different sentence starters in KS2 can be used to vary sentences.
Materials and instructions for a card-based grammar game intended to help KS2 children explore different ways of starting sentences. This download contains:
- 21-page PDF with coloured cut-out cards in different sizes
- 2-page ‘Teacher notes’ document
There are two sets of cards – blue and yellow. The blue cards contain examples of adverbs, conjunctions, onomatopoeia, prepositions, questions, similes and verbs that can be used as sentence openers. The yellow cards contains clauses that can be added to the blue sentence starters, but watch out – not all yellow and blue pairs match.
Children are able to experiment with matching the cards together and can be encouraged to come with some good sentence starters or endings of their own.
National Curriculum English programme of study links
Pupils should be taught to write and draft by composing and rehearsing sentences orally (including dialogue), progressively building a varied and rich vocabulary and an increasing range of sentence structures.