A perfect resource to revisit and respond speedily with the correct sounds for consonant blends.
Consonant blends included:
nt, lp, st, lt, mp, nd, nk, ft, pt, sk, xt, lk, lf, ct, nth, nch, fr, sp, pl, tr, gr, fl, gl, tw, sn, sw, cl, dr, br, fr, sp, sm, thr, cr, bl, sc, shr, spr, str, scr, pr
(phase 4 of Letters and Sounds)
Resources included:
- 41 consonant blend cards
- 41 consonant blend cards with sound buttons
Early Learning Goals
ELG: Word Reading
Children at the expected level of development will:
- Say a sound for each letter in the alphabet and at least 10 digraphs;
National Curriculum programme of study links
- Pupils should be taught to apply phonic knowledge and skills as a route to decode words
- Pupils should be taught to respond speedily with the correct sound to graphemes (letters or groups of letters) for all 40+ phonemes, including, where applicable, alternative sounds for graphemes