Practise and revise using dashes to mark independent clauses with this bright, appealing PDF grammar worksheet.
Activities include SATs-style questions and opportunities for creative writing responses, with eye-catching images as prompts.
This primary resource is divided into five sections:
Circle the dash in each sentence and add an independent clause to the sentence given using a dash.
Write sentences that contain a dash to mark independent clauses.
Match the independent clauses that could be joined using a dash and place the dash in the correct place within the sentences given.
Explain when a dash could be used to mark independent clauses.
Write a description of the image shown and include a sentence that includes a dash to mark independent clauses.
When is a dash used?
A dash can be used instead of a comma or semi-colon to separate independent clauses. It is often used in less formal writing.
Examples of dashes used to mark independent clauses
Mr Gates’ teaching skills – as well as his love of coffee – are well known.
The dog growled - a mysterious shadow had appeareded at the door.
National Curriculum English programme of study links
Pupils should be taught to use semi-colons, colons or dashes to mark boundaries between independent clauses