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English Year 2 – SPaG Games and Activities

image of English Year 2 – SPaG Games and Activities
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This download contains a 15-page PDF for teachers and a 16-slide PPT presentation that can be used to organise five distinct SPaG games for Y2. Designed to teach conjunctions, vocabulary, punctuation and other areas of grammar focus, the games are as follows:

  • Musical Conjunctions – for helping students understand the correct use of conjunctions
  • Team Relay – for reinforcing a specific area of grammar or punctuation
  • Snowball Fight! – for reinforcing a chosen spelling or grammar focus
  • Silly Sentences – for broadening students’ vocabulary
  • Vocabulary Collecting Ideas – four shorter activities centred around vocabulary identification and recognition tasks

National Curriculum English programme of study links

Pupils should be taught to learn to use:

  • Sentences with different forms: statement, question, exclamation, command
  • Expanded noun phrases to describe and specify
  • The present and past tenses correctly and consistently, including the progressive form
  • Subordination and co-ordination
  • Some features of written Standard English

  • teacher notes
  • conjunction cards
  • PowerPoint of image slides
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