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Year 2 Past, Present or Progressive Tense Bingo – KS1 Grammar Game

image of Year 2 Past, Present or Progressive Tense Bingo – KS1 Grammar Game
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This grammar Bingo game is a fun way to support pupils in Y2 to identify different verb forms including the past, present and progressive (also known as continuous) tense.

The game can be played as a class or in small groups and is perfect for adult led interventions to revisit key knowledge and skills.

This resource pack includes:

  • Bingo caller cards
  • 10 bingo cards
  • Teacher’s notes

What is tense?

The tense shows when the action in a piece of writing is taking place.

The past tense is about things that have already happened.

The present tense is about things that are happening now.

The future tense is about things that are yet to happen.

What is verb tense?

The tense is shown by the verbs and the form of the verb will depend on the tense.

What is present tense?

The simple present tense can also show things that usually happen or are generally true. Examples of the present tense include she works, he writes, the sun rises.

The present progressive tense is about actions that are happening now and continue over a longer period of time. Examples of the present progressive tense include she is working, he is writing, the sun is rising.

What is past tense?

The simple past tense is about actions that happened earlier or in the past and are now finished. Examples include she worked, he write, the sun rose. Many simple past tense verbs add the suffix -ed to the basic verb (eg worked) but some don not follow the -ed rule (eg write, rose).

The past progressive tense is used when something has not finished when another action begins or for something that continued over a longer period of time. Examples include she was working, he was writing, the sun was rising.

National Curriculum English programme of study links

Pupils should learn how to use the present and past tenses correctly and consistently including the progressive form.

  • Teacher notes
  • Bingo cards
  • Caller cards
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