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KS1 Teacher Assessment Framework - Science Checklists

image of KS1 Teacher Assessment Framework - Science Checklists
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This year 2 science assessment pack contains a series of checklists that teachers can use to assess their class against the End of KS1 Teacher Assessment Framework (TAF) for science. 

How to use the KS1 teacher assessment framework checklists

The checklists can be used as a record of where evidence can be found to show that pupils are working at the required standard in science and could be used to finalise teacher judgements at the end of KS1. The checklists could also be used by teachers in year 1 to track pupils’ progress against the statements across the key stage.

A selection of formats are included that could be used as assessment records by the teacher or could be placed inside pupils’ books to keep a running record of their achievements.

  • Teacher notes
  • Assessment sheets - pupil versions 1 and 2
  • Assessment sheets - teacher version 1 and 2
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