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Year 3 Subordinating Clauses KS2 Sentence Game –  Grammar Games

image of Year 3 Subordinating Clauses KS2 Sentence Game –  Grammar Games
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Explore using subordinating clauses to create complex sentences with pupils in Year 3 using our grammar game.

Pupils can use the main clause and subordinate conjunction cards to create multiclause sentences by adding a subordinating clause of their own invention. The game can be used to develop pupils’ understanding of subordinate clauses within an English lesson or to revisit this skill through KS2.

What is included in this subordinating clauses KS2 resource pack?

  • 12 main clause cards
  • 12 subordinating conjunctions cards

What are subordinating conjunctions in KS2?

A subordinating conjunction introduces a subordinating clause, and joins it to the main clause in a sentence.

Subordinating conjunction examples

Gina has been thrilled ever since Jenny arrived.
The dog is barking because he wants to go for a walk.
We need to clean up so that the classroom is tidy for tomorrow morning.
I like living here even though the neighbours can sometimes be noisy.

What is a subordinate clause?

A subordinate clause contains a subject and a verb, and often begins with a conjunction, but it cannot make grammatical sense on its own, so it has to be attached to a main clause. Therefore, it is subordinate to the main clause.

Subordinate clause examples

That’s the street where Ben lives.
He watched her as she disappeared.
When she saw my dress, she said that it was very nice.
She had not noticed an hour had passed because she had been so busy.

National Curriculum English programme of study links

Pupils should extend the range of sentences with more than one clause by using a wider range of conjunctions, including when, if, because, although

  • Teacher notes
  • Main clause cards
  • Subordinating conjunction cards
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