This ‘Make a Match’ game is perfect for small groups to consolidate and revisit how dialogue can be written using direct speech in KS2.
Pupils will match the speech bubble cards that could be used to describe the image, giving information about actions or characters. The cards can then be written as dialogue, revisiting how direct speech is punctuated. Pupils could practise writing dialogue by continuing the conversations included in the speech bubbles or by taking inspiration from the image cards to write their own dialogue, including information that advances actions or conveys character.
What is included in this direct speech KS2 resource pack?
- 8 image cards
- 40 speech bubble cards
- 8 question cards
- Teacher notes
Dialogue is a conversation between two or more people in a book, play or film. The direct speech within the dialogue must be punctuated correctly when written as a narrative.
Direct speech in writing is where you are directly quoting someone’s words, and these are marked by inverted commas eg “I’ll meet you at the library tomorrow morning,” Sharon said.
What are inverted commas KS2?
Inverted commas go before and after direct speech, surrounding what was said. They are also commonly known as speech marks.
Direct speech examples:
- “I’m bored,” he complained.
- “What’s that noise?” he asked.
- “Your sister!” his dad replied.
- The conductor shouted, “Sit down!”
National Curriculum English programme of study links
Use of inverted commas and other punctuation to indicate direct speech
Pupils should be taught to draft and write by in narratives, describing settings, characters and atmosphere and integrating dialogue to convey character and advance action