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Spelling Workouts
These PDF worksheets, covering statutory spelling words for Years 5 and 6, are an excellent way for children in UKS2 to revise and practise spelling these words.
The words included in this resource all include the double consonants ‘ss’, ‘cc’, ‘rr’ or ‘gg’ (accommodate, occupy, suggest, correspond, profession, accompany, according, aggressive, exaggerate, embarrass, interrupt, occur, necessary) from the Year 5 and 6 word list.
The worksheets include five different activities in which children look at spelling patterns, identify misspelt words and apply their spellings in context. They can be used within lessons, as an assessment or as a homework task.
This primary resource is divided into five sections:
Tick which words are spelt correctly
Circle the words that are spelt correctly, and place the words into the correct sentences
Use the images, and the words underneath, to write a sentence about each
Read each sentence and change the underlined word or phrase for a new word, which should be one of the Y5/6 statutory spelling words
Write a description of the picture, trying to use as many of the words listed as possible
The following words are listed in English Appendix 1:
accommodate accompany according achieve aggressive amateur ancient apparent
appreciate attached available average awkward bargain bruise category cemetery
communicate community competition conscience* conscious* controversy committee
convenience correspond criticise (critic + ise) curiosity definite desperate determined
develop dictionary disastrous embarrass environment equip (–ped,–ment) especially
exaggerate excellent existence explanation familiar foreign forty frequently government
guarantee harass hindrance identity immediate(ly) individual interfere interrupt language
leisure lightning marvellous mischievous muscle necessary neighbour nuisance occupy
occur opportunity parliament persuade physical prejudice privilege profession programme
pronunciation queue recognise recommend relevant restaurant rhyme rhythm sacrifice
secretary shoulder signature sincere(ly) soldier stomach sufficient suggest symbol system
temperature thorough twelfth variety vegetable vehicle yacht
To use knowledge of morphology and etymology in spelling and understand that the spelling of some words needs to be learnt specifically, as listed in English Appendix 1
This resource is part of the Spelling Workouts collection.
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