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Year 4 Model Text Resource Pack 5: ‘Who do You Think You Are? (Report; History - Anglo-Saxons)

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Real Writing Year 4, Unit 5
Who do you think you are?, by Loretta Schauer
Curriculum links: History (Anglo-Saxons)

Unit overview
This writing unit for Year 4 is built around an original model text by Loretta Schauer - an information text about place names. The example text is available as a PDF in three versions (plain, illustrated and annotated); annotated and non-annotated PowerPoint presentations are also included.

In this two-week unit, pupils will read an information text about the historical derivation of UK place names. They will have an opportunity to learn technical vocabulary related to the naming of settlements, and look at the etymology of Anglo-Saxon place names. They will also consider the importance of using verb tenses consistently. Finally, they will research and write a report about place names in their own area.

Key curriculum skills
Two fully resourced lesson plans are included for Year 4 English objectives:

Vocabulary: To explore etymology and morphology of words and build vocabulary: Anglo-Saxon place names
Pupils will: understand what is meant by etymology and morphology; look at the etymology of place names; understand the meaning of some Anglo-Saxon root words used in place names; sort place names according to etymology; create their own Anglo-Saxon place names and state what the names mean.

Grammar: To edit writing to check tenses are used consistently
Pupils will: revisit tenses; understand the importance of consistent tense use; complete a fill-the-gaps activity about tenses; correct a paragraph of writing that uses inconsistent tenses.

Revisited skills

  • using a range of conjunctions
  • commas to separate items in a list
  • the use of questions

Additional year 4 curriculum teaching points

  • using fronted adverbials
  • using nouns and pronouns to build cohesion

Year 4 words: featured vocabulary
Tier two words: associated, notable
Tier three words: derived, feature, location, physical, pronunciation, settlement
Year 3 spellings: actually, describe, different, history, island, popular, strange

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