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Key Stage 2 Acrostic Poem Templates and Teaching Notes: King Charles III

image of Key Stage 2 Acrostic Poem Templates and Teaching Notes: King Charles III
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During Key Stage 2, pupils should read and write a variety of styles of poetry. This resource could be used as part of celebrating King Charles III becoming King and learning more about him. Pupils will write their own acrostic poems about the King. Pupils could use the different templates to write simple words that describe King Charles III or to create sentences about the monarch.

Pupils in Key Stage 2 could explore the use of synonyms to find alternative words to help them complete their acrostic poems.

What is included in this acrostic poem resource?

  • Acrostic poem templates
  • Teacher notes

What is an acrostic poem?

In an acrostic poem, one letter in each line spells out a word or words when read vertically. Generally, it is the first letter in each line that is used; but in fact, the vertical message can appear anywhere.

National Curriculum programme of study links:

- writing poetry (Year 2)
- compose and rehearse sentences orally, building a varied and rich vocabulary … (Year 3/4 )
- to select appropriate grammar and vocabulary, understanding how such choices can change and enhance meaning (Year 5/6)
- to know how words are related through meaning as synonyms and antonyms (Year 5/6)

  • Acrostic poem templates
  • Teacher notes
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