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KS2 SATs SPaG Revision Blaster - word families

image of KS2 SATs SPaG Revision Blaster - word families
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Our Year 6 SPaG Revision Blaster packs are the perfect way to check children’s knowledge and understanding of the KS2 programme of study for English. The areas of grammar, punctuation and spelling covered in this SPaG grammar blaster is word families.

The packs are based around the content domains of the Key Stage 2 grammar, punctuation and spelling test framework. ‘Let’s Recap!’ provides information to revise or reteach an area of grammar, punctuation or spelling covered in Paper 1 of the GPS test followed by ‘Let’s Practise!’ with SATs style questions for the pupils to complete independently or as a class. Three sheets are provided, Revision Blaster 1, 2 and 3. These increase in difficulty with questions having a greater cognitive load on Revision Blaster 3.

A PowerPoint version of the pack is included, so it can be worked through in groups, or as a whole class.

This primary resource pack includes:

  • Let’s Recap PDF and PPT slides
  • Let’s Practise worksheets: word families

What are word families

Word families are words that are related to each other in a combination of having the same word root (with prefixes, suffixes or other words added to make compound words like superman), grammar and meaning. The words play, playful, playing and replay are all part of the same word family as they all have the same word root (play) and are related in meaning.

What is a prefix?

A prefix is a group of letters added to the beginning or a word that changes its meaning.

What is a suffix?

A suffix is a group of letters added to the end of a word which changes its meaning or tense.

Content domains from Key stage 2 grammar, punctuation and spelling test framework (2016)

G6.2 prefixes
G6.3 suffixes
G6.4 word families

  • Let’s Recap PDF and PPT slides
  • Let’s Practise worksheets: word families
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