Do you have enough independent writing to assess your year 6 pupils against the writing Teacher Assessment Framework for the end of Key Stage 2?
Plazoom has created a selection of writing activities linked to the foundation subjects to provide opportunities for cross-curricular writing.
In this writing task, pupils are asked to write a diary entry, recounting a key historical event. This could be used within a history topic, with pupils writing about a key event in history for example: the arrival of the Romans in Britain; Anglo-Saxon or Viking invasions; the coronation of a monarch in Britain; the death of an Egyptian Pharaoh; or a local historical event.
What is a diary entry?
This is a first-person recount written in the form of a diary entry. Its function is to give an account of events that have happened, adding a personal perspective, emotion, feeling and possibly an explanation or two where required.
What is included in this resource?
- Personal Writing Skills checklist
for pupils to write their own writing checklists to encourage independent editing.
- Diary Recount writing skills checklist
a list of features, without modelled examples, for pupils to use as a checklist for editing writing.
- How to Write a Diary poster
a poster for display with the key features of diary recounts.
- Jed’s Day Trip
a picture prompt for writing
- Sequencing cards
an activity to help pupils organise their own ideas for writing
- Diary Recount Planning Sheet
to support pupils when planning and organising their ideas
- Teacher Assessment Sheets
for teachers to use to assess pupils against the year 6 writing TAF statements which could be placed in pupils’ books as a record of evidence seen
How can this resource support assessment against the TAF statements?
The resource will provide an opportunity for pupils to produce writing independently in the form of a diary entry. A poster showing how to write a diary entry and a writing skills checklist listing diary entry features are included to support writing. The year 6 writing checklists with TAF statements can be used to assess pupils against the year 6 writing standards for working towards, expected and greater depth, which could be used for internal or external moderation.
End of KS2 TAF Statements the writing could provide evidence for
- To write for a range of purposes.
- To use paragraphs to organise ideas.
- To write effectively for a range of purposes and audience, selecting language that shows good awareness of the reader.
- To select vocabulary and grammatical structures that reflect what the writing requires doing this mostly appropriately.
- To use a range of devices to build cohesion within and across paragraphs.
- To write effectively for a range of purposes and audiences, selecting the appropriate form and drawing independently on models for their own writing.
- To distinguish between the language of speech and writing and choose the appropriate register.