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Creating Tone – KS2 Writing Features Challenge Mat Worksheets

image of Creating Tone – KS2 Writing Features Challenge Mat Worksheets
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This writing review worksheet is an excellent way to develop children’s descriptive writing skills when it comes to creating tone. There are a number of activities that help children understand the effect their writing has on the reader, which can be taught in a single lesson or spread over a number of sessions.

There are images to give children ideas for their writing, and sections of model text that demonstrate how an author’s choices can change the tone of the text.

It’s a great way to revise previous learning, and to experiment with new ideas.

This primary resource is divided into five sections:

  • Understand
    Add in the missing words so that the sentences match the tone named above (positive or negative).
  • Challenge
    Look at the pictures and imagine you visited both of these theme parks and liked one but not the other. Write a short sentence about each one, making it clear from your tone which one you liked.
  • Test
    Underline the words or phrases that have been used to create the tone, and write down the mood which has been created in each passage.
  • Explain
    Read each pair of sentences and explain the difference in tone between each one. Then rewrite the next set of sentences so that the meaning is the same but the tone is different.
  • Apply
    Imagine you have just been on the worst camping trip ever. Write a letter to your friend telling them just how awful the trip was. Make sure that your tone is evident in your writing.

National Curriculum English programme of study links

Draft and write in narratives by describing settings, characters and atmosphere and integrating dialogue to convey character and advance the action

  • worksheet
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