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Year 1 Model Text Resource Pack 22: How to Make a Delicious Honey Sandwich (Instructions; design technology)

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Real Writing
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Real Writing Year 1 - Unit 22
Model text: How to Make a Delicious Honey Sandwich, by Dan Smith
Curriculum links: Design technology

Writing unit overview

This writing unit for Year 1 is built around an original text by Dan Smith - a simple set of instructions for making a sandwich. The example text is available as a PDF in three versions (plain, illustrated and annotated); annotated and non-annotated PowerPoint presentations are also included.

In this two-week unit, pupils will explore how instructions are set out and how imperative verbs are used. Pupils will also learn how adverbials of time can be used to help sequence instructions. For the final writing task, pupils will write their own instructions showing the steps needed to make a sandwich. Pupils can design and make their own sandwiches for a teddy bears’ picnic before completing the final writing task.

Key curriculum skills

Four fully-resourced lessons are included for the following Year 1 English objectives, which can form part of the unit or be taught discretely:

1. Vocabulary: To read and spell words with the vowel digraph ‘ea’

Pupils will: learn the different pronunciations for the vowel digraph ‘ea’. They will read words and sentences, choosing the appropriate pronunciation of the phoneme to read the word, recognising when their reading may be inaccurate. Words that contain phonemes from phase 5 of Letters and Sounds are included within the resources.

2. Vocabulary: To say out loud what they are going to write about (exploring imperative verbs)

Pupils will:explore using imperative verbs (bossy verbs) when cooking and preparing food. Using role play, pupils will rehearse giving instructions using role play equipment available in the classroom and the imperative verb cards provided.

3. Grammar: To sequence sentences

Pupils will: learn how simple time adverbials can be used to sequence instructions. They will orally use adverbials to give a sequence of instructions before writing their own simple instructions.

4. Punctuation: To correctly punctuate sentences

Pupils will: compose sentences orally and punctuate these correctly using capital letters and full stops. There are also opportunities for pupils to use question and exclamation marks where appropriate.

Additional objectives to teach or revisit:

  • leaving spaces between words
  • using question and exclamation marks
  • re-reading what they have written to check it makes sense
  • reading aloud their own writing

Year 1 vocabulary

Common exception words: the a you your be some put love one of to are is
Tier 2 words: delicious, tub, jar, half
Tier 3 words: sandwich, sandwich filling, table knife, teaspoon, bread, honey, butter, spread

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